Saturday, May 23, 2009

Love note from the City of Moscow

We received a note from the city informing us that our hot water will be shut down on 25 May. I, naive woman that I am, thought this meant we will be without water on 25 May. However, I was informed tonight at dinner, that no,no, the hot water shortage will BEGIN on 25 May and can last oh, 2 and possibly 3 weeks. I can hardly wait for the heat wave to correspond to the arrival of no showers in the VDnK part of the town.

The good news: our friends in other parts of the city will have hot water and I guess we will traipse across town, rubber duckies in tow for showers. BTW, this also means no dishwasher or clothes washer.

- Alison


The Expatresse said...

If your clothes washing machine is European, it only has one inlet source (cold) and heats the water (you set the temp, right?). Possibly your dishwasher does this, too.

Does your apartment have an auxillary water heater? Many do. Ask your landlord. If not, get a lobster pot and heat water on the stove.

Good luckies!

Alison and Larry said...

WE do have the aux heater over the toilet tank, it looks pretty tiny, but I intend to try it!