Thursday, May 7, 2009

A Display of Military Muscle

Sasha and I (Larry) were behind schedule this morning as we walked
to her school. Two blocks from our destination, we were ready to duck into the pedestrian underpass on the Garden Ring, one of the major traffic arteries through Moscow. But as we descended the steps, a police officer blocked our way. I then noticed that there was no traffic on the Garden Ring, and barricades were up. Orange trucks blocked traffic from entering the street. It looked like a parade (or a coup?) was about to begin.

Did I mention that it was also raining, our umbrella was broken, and we were getting drenched?

Victory Day, which celebrates the end of World War II, is celebrated here on Saturday with major displays of military might. But armaments have been on display all week. On Tuesday, Alison called from downtown Moscow to report that jets were flying low- really low--over downtown. We guessed they were practicing.

Today's parade may have also been a dress rehearsal for Saturday. There were hummers, tanks, and countless numbers of gargantuan missiles being towed down the Garden Ring. From time to time,
the display of weapons was interrupted by jeeps holding four of five military officers who looked as stiff as their uniforms. Having been raised on a steady diet of Rose Parades in Pasadena, I expected the officers to wave, or acknowledge the crowd. But no air kisses here. The audience watched without responding, although many took pictures with their cellphones.

Sasha was oblivious to the charms of military hardware. "I'm going to miss my snack!," she told me over and over again.

"What do you want me to do?," I said, sounding like my own father. I urged patience, as thick clouds of smoke from the war machines wafted into the crowd.

Ten minutes later, it was over. And Sasha made it to school in time for her morning crackers and apple juice.

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